Liew Pei Ting from Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Melaka who gets 10 A's in her SPM trial. Teoh Yong Yong from SMK.Munshi too score 10 A's in her trial. Good Luck to both of them in the SPM.
Are you looking for ways to SCORE BETTER in exams?
If yes, please attend tuition classes at MB Tuition Centrebecause you will soon
-Read faster -Remember more of what you have learned -Answeressay questions that flows smoothly -Have more ideasof what to write -Feel more calm and free -Reviseexamination subjects in the shortest possible time and remember more! -Create more effective and creative notes for easy reference -Seta higher goal to become an excellent student
BE AN EXCELLENT STUDENT (Like what you have dreamed of)
Hello, everybody. Welcome to MB Tuition Centre Blog.This is an education blog which can help students to achieve good results in their examination.For your information, you have to pass SPM Bahasa Melayu to be eligible to continue your studies in form six or local university. Those who don’t pass Bahasa Melayu will sit for SPM July Paper (SPM Kertas Julai) the year after they have had their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination. For those who want to attend the tuition classes, kindly contact Ms Sim. Thank you!
On the year 2007, 90% of our students score A and B in their Bahasa Malaysia and English in the PMR examination.100% of them passed their Science and Mathematics.So, I strongly believe the Form 3 students this year too will get flying colours results.
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Hi, everybody.I am Ms Sim here.
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