Friday, December 11, 2009
Olympic Mathematics
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Our Targets !!
The SPM exams will soon over. The last test is on next Monday for Bahasa Cina. After this, we will soon be delighted of the PMR examination results. So, to all the PMR students, just get ready for your results. For those who gets flying colours result, do work hard in your SPM, but for those who doesn’t get good result, you still need to work extremely hard because God help those who help themselves.
Well, this is our target before the PMR exams. Do You Still REMEMBER ???
Name : | Target |
1. Tan Wee Heng | 8 A’s |
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2. Tng Choon Siong | 8 A’s |
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3. Soh Ray Chiu | 7 A’s |
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4. Lye Su Wen | 7 A’s |
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5. Ong Huey Ying | 7 A’s |
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6. Tan Fa Rong | 7 A’s |
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7. Stephanie Tay | 6 A’s |
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8. Ng Kok Bin | 6 A’s |
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9. Pook Wei Yong | 6 A’s |
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10. Quek Leng May | 5 A’s |
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11. Tan Hui Yee | 4 A’s |
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12. How Wee Loon | 4 A’s |
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13. Lam Bee Chin | 4 A’s |
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14. Yap Ei Ling | 3 A’s |
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15. Yong Woon Yew | 3 A’s |
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16. Lee Yu Yin | 3 A’s |
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17. Wee Siew Ling | 3 A’s |
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18. Ng Soon Ngee | 3 A’s |
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19. Yap Min Wee | 3 A’s |
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20. Liew Jun Yong | 2 A’s |
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21. Goh Chock Kuan | 2 A’s |
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Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Gejala Mat Rempit
Pengaruh rakan sebaya juga banyak mendorong remaja terlibat dengan tingkah laku yang berbahaya ini. Kadang-kadang rakan yang kita pilih tidak menunjukkan teladan yang positif sebaliknya mendorong untuk melakukan kegiatan yang tidak sihat untuk merempit. Selain itu, apabila menyaksikan rakan-rakan begitu hebat di jalan raya timbul keinginan untuk berlumba dalam kalangan mereka. Akibatnya remeja terjebak dengan kegiatan rempit ini.
Selain itu, kendiri remaja sendiri yang suka mencuba sesuatu yang baru. Sememangnya remaja sentiasa suka bergaya dan berlagak. Apabila ada sesuatu kegiatan yang berbahaya maka semangat mereka membuak-buak untuk mencuba. Mereka suka menunjuk-nunjuk bahawa mereka amat hebat dalam kegiatan yang tidak bermoral ini. sewajarnya pembentukan kendiri remaja perlu dilaksanakan sebaik-baiknya si sekolah terutama ketika di bangku sekolah rendah lagi seperti kata pepatah,'meletur buluh biarlah daripada rebungnya'.
Untuk membendung masalah ini, kerjasama daripada pelbagai pihak amat diperlukan. Pihak sekolah perlu memastikan didikan yang sebenar dicurahkan kepada anak murid. Manakala, ibu bapa pula perlu memberi perhatian kepada nank-anak dengan nilai kasih sayang. Masyarakat jangan bersikap seperti enau dalam belukar, melepaskan pucuk masing-masing. Intihanya, kerjasama semua pihak pasti dapat membendung permasalahan yang semakin kronik ini dalam kalanga remaja.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Program Latihan Khidmat Negara
Sarankan langkah-langkah pembaikan untuk meneruskan program ini.
- PLKN dilaksanakan untuk membendung masalah sosial dalam kalangan remaja.
- banyak impak positif dan negatif sepanjang program ini dilaksanakan.
kematian beberapa individu menimbulkan perasaan kurang senang dalam masyarakat terutama ibu bapa.
Peribahasa yang sesuai digunakan:
a. bagai duri dalam daging
b. seperti cacing kepanasan.
a. Masa yang lebih fleksibel diperlukan
-selepas tamat kursus di universiti baharu dilaksanakan.
b. Mengasingkan peserta mengikut jantina.
- melibatkan jurulatih
- masalah sosial, kes salah laku
- dada manusia tidak dapat diselam
c. Menggunakan modul yang lebih sesuai
- mudul yang bersifat nilai ketimuran
-Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung.
d. Memastikan pemeriksaan kesihatan yang benar-benar telus.
- pemeriksaan yang lebih menyeluruh.
- peserta yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan perlu dikecualikan mengikuti program ini.
-sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada berguna.
e.Bilangan peserta yang lebih kecil dalam sesuatu kem
-perhatian yang lebih tertumpu.
-bagai aur dengan tebing
-PLKN suatu program yang mampu menyuburkan semangat patriotisme dalam kalangan peserta.
- kelemahan perlu diperbaiki.
Friday, October 16, 2009
How To Use IT ??
2. As soon as the police got wind of a drug smuggling operation at the Thai-Malaysian border, they surrounded the area and caught the smugglers.
3. My father told his friend, “There has been a landslide in Cameron Highlands. I think you should see which way the wind blows before you make the journey there.
4. The doctor told me, “Stay in bed until the fever subsides and you’ll be right as rain.”
5. Don’t go out yet; it is raining cats and dogs out there and the roads are flooded.
6. We must not spend all our money; we must save for the rainy day.
7. Rain or shine, my grandfather has to go for his early morning walk with his friends.
8. If you want variety go to Semua Gift Shop; it has everything under the sun.
Remember try to use it in your essay to get good grade. Good Luck!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Idioms from Wind, Rain and Sun
2. get wind of (something) - to hear indirectly
3. see which way the wind blows - to wait and see what the situation is going to be liked before making a decision
4. as right as rain - perfectly all right
5. raining cats and dogs - raining heavily
6. saving for the rainy day - to save money in case one needs it someday
7. rain or shine - whatever the weather is like
8. under the sun - in the whole world
So, how we are going to use all these useful idioms in our essay? I will show all of you next week.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Doing your Best in an Examination
Sunday, September 6, 2009
1. Describe an interesting day in school.
2. Write a story beginning with " I approached young man with a smile" aren't you Zaiha?"
3. Is it necessary to give too much freedom to teenager
4. How has technology helped people today?
5. Sports
Please choose question number 4 as we had already do this question during our tuition class.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Good Luck!!!
Please join the BI extra class on this Sunday 16,August 6:00 – 8:00p.m.
Good Luck!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Who is the Birthday's Queen?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Essay Writing Lesson
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Swine Flu
The recent scare has taken the world by surprise. The swine influenza virus has caused more than 160 deaths and has also been reported to have sickened more than 5000 people all across Mexico. Swine influenza is a mix of pig, bird and human genes and is an airborne virus that can be caught by exposure to the live animal, and be transmitted from human to human via liquid particles in breath. It is not transmitted by eating pork.
In humans, the symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of the common influenza illness. The symptoms include:
- chills
- fever
- sore throat
- muscle pain
- severe headaches
- coughing
- weakness and general discomforts
As a conclusion, for those who are affected by the symptoms as above, please QUARANTINE yourself at home and NOT to attend any tuition classes at MB TUITION CENTRE. Your co-operation will be appreciated.